Day :
- Dentistry Ordodontics
Location: Webinar
Session Introduction
Anna Ewa Kuc
Wroclaw Medical University, Poland
Title: Methods of Anterior Torque Control during Retraction: A Systematic Review
Background: There are various methods of controlling the inclination of the incisors during retraction, but there is no evidence as to the advantages of some methods over others. Research conducted by our team related to the review of the available literature identified several methods with varied effectiveness of torque control during anterior teeth retraction.
Methods: In the study of the available literature that was qualified to our study we included the patients with complete permanent dentition with the examined the maxillary incisor torque after and before retraction with straight-wire appliance and different modes of torque control where statistically significant differences in torque values of the upper incisors after orthodontic treatment were observed. The literature of our research were subjected to risk of bias and quality analyses with the ROBINS-I protocol and the modified Newcastle–Ottawa QAS, respectively
Results: Despite numerous articles published in reputable scientific journals (580 subjects) only 13 articles could be selected because only they met our criteria. All authors recognized that incisors were retroclined during retraction by 2.46° (mean difference), which was statistically significant. Statistical analysis confirmed that the differences in torque between the study group and the control group were statistically significant in most of research. We assessed our research for heterogeneity of articles in relation to their impact on the significance of the analysis performed.
Conclusion: As a result of the analysis conducted by our team we recognized that both properly performed corticotomy and en-masse retraction using orthodontic microimplants seem to be the most effective and scientifically validated methods of torque control. Just after the publication of our research an article “En-Mass Retraction of Maxillary Anterior Teeth with Severe Proclination and Root Resorption—A Case Report” appeared which also discussed the advanced retraction of incisors with the use of Tads and evaluate the difference in their inclination.
Marwah Ismael Abdulazeez
University of Baghdad, Iraq
Title: Fracture strength of Monolithic Zirconia Crowns with Modified Vertical Preparation (A Comparative in vitro Study)
Marwah, M.Sc in Aesthetic and Restorative dentistry, was born in Iraq, graduated from University of Baghdad / College of dentistry in 2009, worked as a general dentist at the same University in the department of restorative dentistry since 2012 and finished master program in 2022. Currently works as Assistant lecturer at University of Baghdad / College of dentistry.
The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of different preparation designs (deep chamfer, vertical, and modified vertical with reverse shoulder) on the fracture strength and failure modes of monolithic zirconia crowns. Thirty sound human maxillary first premolar teeth with comparable size were used in this study. The teeth were divided randomly into three groups according to the preparation design (n = 10): (1) group A: teeth prepared with a chamfer finish line; (2) group B: teeth prepared with vertical preparation; and (3) group C: teeth prepared with modified vertical preparation, where a reverse shoulder of 1 mm was placed on the buccal surface at the junction of middle and occlusal thirds. All samples were scanned by using an intraoral scanner (CEREC Omnicam, Sirona, Germany), and then the crowns were designed by using Sirona InLab 20.0 software and milled with a 5-axis machine. Each crown was then cemented on its respective tooth with self-adhesive resin cement by using a custom-made cementation device. A single load to failure test was used to assess the fracture load of each crown by using a computerized universal testing machine that automatically recorded the fracture load of each sample in Newton (N). The data were analyzed statistically by using one-way analysis of variance test and Bonferroni test at a level of significance of 0.05.
The results showed that the highest mean of fracture load was recorded by chamfer (2,969.8 N), which followed by modified vertical (2,899.3 N) and the lowest mean of fracture load was recorded by vertical (2,717.9 N). One-way ANOVA test revealed a significant difference among the three groups. Bonferroni test showed a significant difference between chamfer and vertical groups while a nonsignificant difference was revealed between modified vertical with chamfer and vertical groups.
Over the years, the horizontal preparation using the chamfer and shoulder finish lines has been accepted as the gold standard for all-ceramic restoration. However, these types of margins are invasive in terms of sound tooth structure removal that is critical for biological and esthetic concepts. The introduction of high-strength polycrystalline materials allowing the use of vertical
Aleem Rahman BDS, BMSC is the Chairman and Head of Surgery at Rahman & Rahman Dental Group. Dr Rahman was inducted into the International Team of Implantology in 2017 and has since then led the ITI in establishing evidence based clinical research throughout the Subcontinent of India, Pakistan as well as the United Arab Emirates.
Dr Rahman is the pioneer in ceramic implant placement as well as introducing the 100% digital workflow for the every day dentist.
Rahman & Rahman dental group has practices in The United States, Dubai, and Pakistan.
Diabetes mellitus and periodontitis are chronic multi factorial diseases that are common world. Uncontrolled diabetes, cigarette smoking, and a history of periodontal infection are suggested as relative contraindications for placing dental implants and as risk factors for implant failure. However, control of any morbidities may be more important that the diagnosis itself!
Periodontal infection adversely affects glycemic control. The objective of this research was to investigate – in persons with uncontrolled type 2 diabetes and end stage periodontal disease – the effect on glycemic control and systemic inflammation of:
- Full mouth extractions
- Complete full mouth debridement of all infection & granulation tissue
- Placement of Biochemically active dental implants (SlActive by Straumann)
Immediate loading
- Restorations with CADCAM designed prosthetics
Our study consisted of 150 participants with:
- Type 2 diabetes who had HbAic levels above 7.5 for 6 months or more
- Terminal dentition due to advanced periodontal disease
- Loss of alveolar bone
- No other known source of inflammation
All teeth were extracted and replaced by implant supported bridges or over dentures
2 Implants were used on the mandible and 4 implants were used in the maxilla for each candidate
The patients were followed over a 5-year period with “check ins” every 2 weeks
The check ins included a full mouth radiographic evaluation as well as blood samples for HbA and high sensitivity CRP (hsCRP).
As hypothesized, HbA1c and hsCRP levels decreased dramatically upon full mouth extractions and did not increase to the initial levels for 12 months after implant placement and loading. HbA1c levels decreased significantly by an average of 1.4 (2.2) % (95% Cl: 2.22; 0.54) from the original mean of 10.2%. The changes in inflammation were also as radical. The mean hsCRP 5.5% mg/dl from the initial values.
The findings from this study have significantly altered how we choose candidates for implant therapy. Patients who would like to opt for implant therapy rather than traditional dentures can now be certain that diabetes will impede them from getting fixed teeth. Likewise, you as a dental professional can feel fully confident that your implant will NOT fail due to systemic autocrine disease, as long as you ensure that proper protocol has been followed.
Yousef Nasrawi
Jordan University of Science and Technology
Title: Efficacy of lower arch leveling, lower incisors’ root resorption, and pain associated with the correction of curve of Spee using different orthodontic archwires: a randomized clinical trial.
Yousef Nasrawi graduated from Jordan University of Science and Technology in 2015 and was among the top 10% of the batch. In the following two years, in 2016 Yousef Nasrawi received a membership in the Royal College of Surgeons – Ireland, and in 2017 Yousef Nasrawi received another membership in the Royal College of Surgeons and Physicians – Glasgow. In 2020 he has finished his Master's degree in Orthodontics from Jordan University of Science and Technology, and in the same year, he had obtained the American Dental Board. He is working currently in both clinical practices and in Jordan University of science and technology as a lecturer. His main interests are in orthodontics generally and in contributing to the advanced technological methods in biomechanics specifically.
Objectives To compare between 3 archwires (AWs) for leveling curve of Spee (COS) in terms of efficacy of reduction, external apical root resorption (EARR), pain experienced, and the lower arch dimensional changes during COS leveling.
Trial design: Randomized clinical trial.
Setting: Jordan University of Science and Technology Postgraduate dental clinics.
Material and methods: Fifty-three subjects with COS > 5 mm were included in this study. The subjects were randomly divided into three groups based on the AW used: group 1, 0.017X0.025-inch stainless-steel (SS) AW; group 2, 0.019X0.025-inch SSAW; and group 3, 0.021X0.025-inch β-titanium (TMA) AW. The intervention was randomly allocated using the permuted random block size of 3 with a 1:1:1 allocation ratio. In the three groups, a 5-mm depth reverse COS was placed in the AWs. The following time points were defined for COS assessment: T1, before interventional leveling AW placement; and T2–T7, 1–6 months after interventional leveling AW placement. Records consisted of dental study models and periapical (PA) radiographs.
Pain scores were recorded using a visual analog scale. Patients were followed up on a monthly basis until COS < 1.5 mm.
Main outcome: measures COS depth reduction, lower incisors’ EARR, pain scores, and arch dimensional changes.
Results An overall reduction of 3.82 mm, 4.47 mm, and 3.85 mm of the depth of COS was achieved in groups 1, 2, and 3, respectively. The mean differences of 0.65 mm between groups 1 and 2 and 0.62 mm between groups 2 and 3 were significant at P < 0.05. Lower incisors’ EARR during leveling COS ranged from 0.68 to 0.72 mm, from 0.63 to 0.82 mm, and from 0.53 to 0.88 mm in groups 1, 2, and 3, respectively (P > 0.05). Higher pain scores were reported by group 2 subjects during the first 24 h. Arch length and width increased significantly in groups 2 and 3 (P < 0.05). In all groups, COS leveling was achieved by lower incisor intrusion and proclination and lower molar extrusion.
Conclusions: All investigated AWs were effective in leveling COS with minimal lower incisors’ EARR (< 1 mm). COS was leveled by lower incisors’ intrusion and proclination and lower molar extrusion. Pain scores were the highest in group 2 during the first 24 h.
Clinical relevance: The 3 investigated leveling AWs were effective for the leveling COS and at the same time safe on the roots of the lower anterior teeth.
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