Prapulla Devi V
Subbaiah Dental College and research Institute, India
Title: BIOMARKERS: The future of periodontal diagnosis
Biography: Prapulla Devi V
Periodontitis is a group of infl ammatory diseases that aff ect the connective tissue attachment and supporting alveolar bone around the teeth. Periodontal diagnostic procedures should provide information to the clinician regarding the type of periodontal disease present, the location and the severity of the disease. Th e present periodontal diagnostic parameters incudes: probing depth, clinical attachment level, plaque index and radiographs. Th ough these diagnostic parameters are easy to use, non-invasive and cost effective, they do not measure the periodontal risk and the current disease status. Today, biomarkers play a great role in diagnosis of periodontal disease and disease monitoring. Th is presentation aims to focus light on this futuristic diagnosis of periodontal diseases using biomarkers.