Dareen Mohamed AbdelHameed Khattab
Alexandria University, Egypt
Title: Role of Multidetector Computed Tomography in assessment of Fibro-osseous lesions of craniofacial complex
Biography: Dareen Mohamed AbdelHameed Khattab
Fibro-osseous lesions of the craniofacial bones comprise a diverse group of pathologic conditions that includes developmental lesions, reactive or dysplastic diseases, and neo-plasms. They share many similar histo-pathological features with other nonfibro-osseous disease processes that develop within the jaw bones. Thus a definitive diagnosis offi bro-osseous lesions (FOLs) requires a correlation of the histological features with the clinical, radiographic and intra-operative fi ndings. Th is study highlights the importance of the role of multi-detector row CT images, in assessment offi bro-osseous lesions in craniofacial complex in patients with known fi bro-osseous lesions, facial disfigurement and facial swelling. Multidetector computed tomography (MDCT) including reformations better delineate craniofacial complex anatomy than do single detector row CT images. It becomes possible to depict the complete path of complex structures. It is valuable in diagnosis and in guiding the surgical interventions by allowing pre-operative delineation of craniofacial complex anatomy. Th e proximity of the various components is best appreciated when the area is viewed inaxial and coronal sections and different reconstructive methods using sub-millimetric thickness. MDCT is a powerful diagnostic and illustrative tool that will narrow the gap between the radiologists and the surgeons.