Saja Ali Muhsin
Middle Technical University, Iraq
Title: Mouthwashes: Effect on surface hardness and accuracy of light-cured composite
Biography: Saja Ali Muhsin
Statement of the Problem: Using mouthwashes have been recommended to limit dental caries, periodontal diseases
and due to their affection for restorative dental materials. The longevity and durability of the aesthetic composite
resin restorative materials are important factors in the oral environment. However, many studies conducted the
effect of some mouthwashes on the surface hardness and accuracy of composite resin.
Aim: The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of both Listerine alcohol-contained and GUM alcohol-free
mouthwashes on the surface hardness and dimensional accuracy of light-cured composite resin.
Methodology & Theoretical Orientation: 30 disc-specimen of nanohybrid light-cured composite resin was prepared
for this study (Smile USA, shade A2). According to ISO standardization, the disc dimension was of 12(±0.2mm) in
diameter and thickness of 3(±0.2mm). The sample divided into three groups (n=10) (3-readings each), G1: Control
non-treated (distilled water); G2: Listerine (Alcohol-contained mouthwash) (Johnson and Johnson, UK) and; G3:
G.U.M (Alcohol-free mouthwash) (Ivohealth, South Africa). The specimens were measured for surface hardness
using Shore D and for dimensional accuracy by digital vernier caliper device at different immersion intervals. These
include pre-treatment (initial), after 1 week, after 4 weeks, and after re-curing. Data were analyzed via one-way
ANOVA (post-hoc Turkey test) performed at a confidence level of 95% and a significant P-value of (P≤.05).
Findings: Within the study limitation, both Listerine alcohol-contain and G.U.M alcohol-free mouthwashes had
no effect on the hardness and dimensional accuracy of the composite material before recurring. While after the
re-curing process, only GUM mouthwash showed a reduction in the surface hardness of the composite material.
Further studies were needed to estimate the effect of mouthwashes on the micro-hardness and wearability of the
composite materials.