Mehdi Jafari-Oori
Ardabil University of Medical Sciences, Iran
Title: Comparing the effect of onion juice and ozonol (Zinc Oxide) in temporarily relieving toothache
Biography: Mehdi Jafari-Oori
This study aims to assess the onion juice effect on toothache compared to ozonol. This randomized control trial study was conducted at Ardabil, Iran in June 2016. The patients with tooth problems who referred to dentistry were selected and allocated randomly in two groups. Our sample size was 60 subjects and each group had 30 patients with a toothache. For one group cotton wool soaked in onion juice was used for a few minutes between the damaged tooth and the second group ozonol was applied. A 10-point scale of pain intensity from zero to 10 was used. Our study ethical cod was approved in Ardabil University of Medical Sciences (AUMS) with ethical cod number 9412 in March 2016. The mean and standard deviation (SD) of the severity of toothache in the onion group at before, and 15, 30, 45 and 60 minutes after intervention were 9.06(1.25), 5.53(1.83), 3.83(2.02), 2.63(2.15) and 1.73(2.08) respectively. Also, the mean and standard deviation (SD) of the severity of toothache in ozonol group at before and 15, 30, 45 and 60 minutes after intervention were 8.93(0.98) and 6.33(1.56), 4.63(1.42), 3.33(1.70) and 2.23(1.50) respectively. The severity of toothache in both onion and ozonol groups were significantly reduced over time (p< 0.001). The rate of pain reduction in the onion group was greater than in the ozonol group. Onions are more available and patients with toothache problems can easily use them to temporarily relieve their toothache until they are examined by a dentist at the appropriate time.