Walid Odeh
German board in oral Implantology, Jordan
Walid Odeh has completed his BDS from Nisantas Ozal Yuksek Okulu, Marmara University, Turkey. Beside that he has a Master’s degree in Orthodontics from Baghdad University. He is a Fellow of ICCDE (International College of Dental Education). He is a member of: ICOI (International Congress of Oral Implantologist); AAID (American Academy of Implant Dentistry; Austrian, Turkish Jordanian and Egyptian Implant Association; European Esthetic Association; WFO (World Federation of Orthodontics); AOS (Arab Orthodontic Society); DGZI (German Implant Association); ADA (American Dental Association) and; AAAM (American Academy of Aesthetic Medicine). He is treating so many cases of TMJ disorder and gummy smile by Botox, besides participating in many international conferences as a Lecturer in many countries like USA, Germany, Jordan, Taiwan, Hong Kong and many Arab countries.
Abstract : Difficult cases and their clinical solution